If you have suitable photos which you would like to have displayed in the gallery, please get in touch using the Contact Us form. It is the responsibility of the contributor to ensure that no copyright is infringed.

Photos are filed under the crane's CEPS number where this exists. A cross-reference will be found at http://bdca.org.uk/cepsdb.html

Album - Newark Crossing Renewal

Newark flat crossing was replaced in the late 1980s or early 1990s. The photos were taken by the BR Photographic Unit for the Leeds Civil Engineers' office and were dispensed with in 1994.

Can anyone identify the cranes and/or date the crossing replacement more closely?

Could the cranes have come from from Doncaster (ADRC96709) and Toton (RS1092/75), or perhaps they were from Doncaster and March (ADRC96702)?

All photos: Bryan Blundell collection.