If you have suitable photos which you would like to have displayed in the gallery, please get in touch using the Contact Us form. It is the responsibility of the contributor to ensure that no copyright is infringed.

Photos are filed under the crane's CEPS number where this exists. A cross-reference will be found at http://bdca.org.uk/cepsdb.html

Photo Collection: Derailment and Recovery at Woodhead

A collection of photographs taken by Ben Brooksbank in 1951 of Class B1 61162 derailed near Woodhead Station, and its recovery using Gorton's ADRR95215.

Neil Cameron has pointed out the riveted plates at the base of the jib (fourth photo) are a repair that was needed after the jib came back over the top when the crane slid part-way backwards down an embankment that had been weakened by enemy action.